Cable Blowing Systems
Professional cable blowing system for fibre optic cable installations FttH in 10 or 7 mm microducts with cable diameter from 2 up to 4 mm.
Decoiler for fibre optic cables - The smart solution to decoil fibre optic cables
The blowing chamber for the X-Blow® Micro blowing device for 3-4 mm fibre optic cable to be blown into empty conduits or SNR.
The center sleeve 3-4 mm centres the fibre optic cables to be blown into the X-Blow® Micro blowing system.
Zubehör für das professionelle Einblasen von LwL-Kabeln. Die cleveren Hilfen mit großer Wirkung.
Zubehör für das professionelle Einblasen von LwL-Kabeln. Die cleveren Hilfen mit großer Wirkung.
Accessories for cable blowing. The smart accessories with great effect.
The seal kit 3-4 mm for the blow-in chamber of the X-Blow® Micro for sealing the cable and conduit.